Hey, thanks for being here. I've been acting since 2013, after finally giving up the illusion of a "real job" and deciding to get back to my high school drama geek roots. ​
Since then, not only do I sleep better, but I've been overjoyed to play supporting roles alongside Winona Ryder and in Blumhouse films that have opened at SXSW (that you might've heard about); dramatic and comedic leads in films that have gone to Cannes (that you haven't heard about); and co-created shorts with the inimitable sketch group, Sketchnology (that you should hear about).
Self-production is a habit that started with portraying the lead character in the stage play The Woolgatherer, and continues with co-writing and acting in Quality Time (SF Indie Short Fest debut); writing and starring in Close Quarters (YouTube debut); and co-writing and directing the web series Public Access (in post-production).
I love singing jazz and soul. Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin and Amy Winehouse are my spirit women. And while I have loved dropping in at open mics around the city throughout the years, currently my baby son has another idea for my "extra", non-acting time. Which is dandy by me— he is amazing.
My Reels
My Reels

Commercial Reel
Comedic Reel
Dramatic Reel
Hand-Modeling Reel
Voiceover Demo
My Song